Wednesday, October 1, 2008

18 Months and Counting

Monday was Winnie's 18-month birthday. At her check-up she was in the 27th percentile for weight (Carlquist genes), 80th for height (Morrise genes) and 97th for head circumference (both sides). She can say just about anything at this point and she's starting to use three and four word sentences. She's also starting to sing, although she's very selective about where and when. She prefers fill-in the blank type singing where she only has to provide a word of two, but I do catch her singing Rock-A-By to her babies from time-to-time. Winnie's current obsession is giving a hugs and kisses to everything--a loaf of bread in the grocery store, the oven, her shoes and Mom and Dad when we're lucky!

Here's her picture face. It's been weeks since we've been able to get anything but a squinty-eyed shot of her.

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