Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where Did January Go?

I'm not sure what happened--one minute it was Christmas and the next it's the end of January. So far, so good with my 2009 goals. Matt and I haven't missed a day of taking of lunches with us all month, I have a new shelf in my bathroom and I've actually started and completed a project in the same calendar year! Of course, I haven't come close to finishing all the goals I set for myself this month, but I expected that. If I get half the things done on my to-do list on any given day I consider it a victory. I'm not sure how so many people are able to do so much. Do I move slower than most?

One of the best things about 2009 is that it is now the year Matt will graduate! Matt just got his grades for last semester and did really well! In about a week he's headed to DC for a trial advocacy competition. It's the kind of thing I think we'll both be happy he did once it's over. I hope this semester will slow down just a bit for him after.

We had a week or so of cold, nasty, inverted weather that started me pining for spring. I found out that Community Action Services is renting out garden plots again this year and I spent an evening planning out our vegetable garden and looking through seed catalogues (maybe this is why I don't get anything done?). Unfortunately, I always feel the most enthusiastic about gardening during the off season. Luckily we have a lot to look forward to in the next couple of months, so I think they'll go fast.

Winnie continues to crack us up with the things she says. Today her arm was hurting. When I asked her what had happened to it she said, "I don't know. It's ruined." Not even two and she's already partially ruined.

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