Monday, August 31, 2009

Another First

For the first time in 5 1/2 months, I don't have a little boy right next to my bed tonight. Luke's in the big crib in Winnie's room--now the kids' room--for the first time. Luke was getting too big and too mobile to be comfortable in the little bassinet (he weighs 18 pounds already!). I'm going to miss looking at that little face while I fall asleep. Hopefully when he wakes up and can't see me he'll decide to just go back to sleep instead of fussing until I give in and snuggle him.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Putting the Cart Before the House

Matt and I are starting to get serious about looking for jobs for him after he graduates in December. Of course, for me that really means looking for a house. He's not crazy about the midwest, but I like it--so much bang for my housing buck!

Dear Kansas City,

I've found the house. If you could supply the job I'd be grateful.
Love, Me

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

425 East Center Redux

This house has been on the market for over 4 months now and they've raised the original listing price by $10,000. Raised it. Really? To help sort through all the potential buyers and offers or what?

I know some people say the economy is showing signs that it's primed for a recovery, but I think this is a little optimistic.

On a somewhat related front, I've finished designing the yard for when we move into 261 E 100 N and moved on to the interior, so maybe I can't criticize anyone else for being a crazy real estate optimist.