Friday, February 19, 2010

The mischief a two year old can do. . .

during the time it takes to change one poopy diaper.

She cut all of this hair from the right side of her head (see how it looks a little sparse over her ear? She basically left a thin layer from the top of her head, but cut all the hair underneath). Ironically, her hair took forever to fill in on the sides and it was just recently starting to really grow there. This afternoon, before this happened, I'd scheduled Winnie's first professional haircut. We were going to just trim the back up to match the length of the sides. Now that the right side of Win's hair is only 1" long, I think that plan is out.


Megan said...

oh man. that's bad. I can totally identify since Maggie did a very similar thing a few months ago. so sorry you're now a member of the sad sad club that nearly every mother gets to join whether she wants to or not.

The Mounts said...

LOL! I have not yet had that happen in our home, I am waiting for it though! Sweet Winnie! She is such a doll!

Julianna said...

Sad, but kinda cute, I think every little girl does that at least once. I know I did. I keep our scissors hidden pretty good but I'm just waiting for (and dreading)the day they find them and cut their hair, each others hair and try to cut Rockwells.

Peggy said...

Andrea said that she can remember exactly what she was wearing and where she was (at Grandma Ada's) when she cut her hair. She never wanted to do it again!

Heidi said...

Ha! That's fantastic!!

Denae said...

Oh no!! both of my girls have done this.. It is a very sad thing. Laira was very distraught when I told her "No, we can't just glue it back on"

Annalise said...

That is a lot of hair! Post pictures of what professional haircut she ends up with. And remember, it will eventually all grow back! Colin cut his hair at school a few weeks ago on a dare from a classmate, but he had to tell me about it because I didn't even notice. One difference between having boys & girls, I guess!

Jenn said...

oh NO!

amy said...

ah...welcome to my life! :) so i can't wait to hear how you fixed it, when gracie chopped that close on the whole left side of her head we did halle berry short...and it was cute :)
good luck!! my girls have each cut hair 5 times...