Friday, June 27, 2008

Yard Sale

We're having our first ever yard sale tomorrow. Actually, it's a complex-wide yard sale because I figured a lot of people in the townhouses wouldn't have enough stuff to be a big yard sale draw. I'm a little nervous about it because the complex-wide sale was my idea and I've been in charge of advertising it. I posted the info on every free online venue I could find and then put up some street signs today (they ended up not nearly as readable from a distance as I'd hoped). I have a few more street signs to put up in the morning, as well. The problem is, I have a curse. If I'm responsible for something nobody shows up! I've thrown a party where not a single person showed. When I was the Enrichment leader, there was a time only the Relief Society president and I showed up--not even the teacher came. Only 3 out of 23 people came to my baby shower (family not included) and the baby was already born! Poor Winnie. Not even her newborn cuteness could prevail. Here's hoping we have better luck with yard sales and make enough money to replace some of the stuff I'm selling!


Jenn said...

I would come if I was there! I bet you have great stuff to sell. Good luck! I hope it goes well.

Kim said...

haha, you crack me up! I think I have the same bad luck with parties as you do, the same thing happens to me! Good luck with the garage sale! said...

Hi Johanna, I saw your blog on facebook. I hope you had a good turnout for your yard sale. Your little girl is very cute!
Zach and his wife just had their third little girl. They have a blog if you want to see it at

Zach 'n' Amy said...

So did anyone show? Listen, I have to blame my mom for not coming to your baby shower. This is what happens, I call my mom to ask for a recipe or something. Of course i start with "what are you doing?" Her reply is always something like, "oh, I'm almost to Johanna's baby shower," or, "I'm on my way to so and so's wedding," or, "[important event here]." My point is, my wonderful sweet mom forgets to tell me what is going on and I always find out too late. Bless her heart...